Yoga Philosophy


The Kaiut method of Yoga is suitable for everyone. We intelligently use the floor, walls and the forces of gravity to counter the impact of modern times, the process of ageing and injuries. We focus on regaining full range of motion in the ankles, hips and shoulders. We often apply compressive forces to these joints to strengthen bones and ligaments as we reintroduce movements that nature intended. 


A unique element of the Kaiut method is working with the nervous system to remain calm while some mild stress is applied. We shape the body in a relaxing pose and then ask for some stress such as a flexed foot or a reach of the arm as we deeply relax everything else. This trains the nervous system to recruit only necessary muscles to make the motion. Often the smaller intrinsic muscles are activated rather than the larger muscle groups and we get the classic Kaiut “cramps” as we calm the system and quiet the mind. 


We practice Kaiut yoga with the eyes closed most of the time to limit visual input. Students are encouraged to pay attention to sensations within the body. To slow down enough to begin to know how we feel and not judge all sensation as pain. We slowly work with these sensations to reframe “pain” as we drop the story lines around “old injuries” and begin to heal. Quality of life increases when your body begins to trust you and know you’re listening. 

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We’ve turned Yoga into a fitness activity for the flexible in the West.  Often with the unintended consequence of overly stretching ligaments and causing instability and overuse injury to the body. In many yoga postures, people tend to just take a “shape” which often leads to recruiting loose muscles instead of the tight intended ones. Kaiut moves slow enough to form the shape well, only moving into the pose according to your body’s ability.  This allows the richly innervated fascial support system that shapes and forms the human body to begin to release allowing deep relief from patterns that have restricted us for a long time. 

Students of all sizes, shapes, ages and ability are welcome. If you’ve never done yoga before or think they hate yoga, you’ll come to love the Kaiut Method! Melanie provides a safe and supportive environment to learn.  All props; yoga mats, bolsters, straps and blocks are provided. 

Students of all sizes, shapes, ages and ability are welcome. If you’ve never done yoga before or think they hate yoga, you’ll come to love the Kaiut Method! Melanie provides a safe and supportive environment to learn.  All props; yoga mats, bolsters, straps and blocks are provided. 


Francisco Kaiut, The Man Behind the Method

The Kaiut Method is a biomechanical yoga practice designed by Francisco Kaiut to serve the modern body and the modern mind. This format is intended to increase freedom of movement. Francisco Kaiut’s method is deeply influenced by his professional practice as a chiropractor and his education in craniosacral and polarity therapies, deep tissue massage, and hatha yoga. Francisco is President of the Kaiut Yoga group, the teacher in charge of the didactic direction of 18 schools between Brazil and the USA. Yoga for Everyone!
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